september 2018
too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 6 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 5 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 4 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 3 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
Let me assure you that this is not a black image. But you might have to tilt your screen or squint very hard.too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 2 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
too dark, too blurry, too light, too much 1 | 2017-2018 | digital photograph
I hope y'all ready for two weeks of pixely old smartphone cam goodness.ruin 6 | 2011 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
ruin 5 | 2011 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
floof 3 | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
floof 2 | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
passenger | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
suspense | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
101 road to nowhere | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
Whoever gets this lame reference without googling knows what I spent way too much time with in my teenage years and did exactly the same.-
la condition | 2018 | 21 x 29.7 | signed print-out of the 248 x 402 px scan of the French edition's cover of "La Condition Postmoderne" by Jean Lyotard as found on the book's Wikipedia page.
With Lyotard being the daddy of pomo, I couldn't have fulfilled Reading Project's request in a more direct manner. pebble | 2018 | 21 x 15 | tattoo ink on artificial skin
n (dot) bodyproblem (at) tutanota (dot) com