june 2018
accident 1 | 2011 | digital photography
floof | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
women | 201? | 15 x 21 | felt pen on paper
underwater scene 2 | 2018 | 21 x 29.7 | watercolor on paper
underwater scene | 2018 | 21 x 29.7 | watercolor on paper
Entirely based on the unnervingly three-dimensional drawings of Christiane Löhr, which I could never replicate, thus I didn't even try and made a cheap underwater scene out of stolen imagery.R A W R | 2018 | something x something | tattoo ink, orange
no food allowed | 201? | ? x ? | etching
red | 200? | 20 x 30 | pencil, oil on canvas
scenes | 201? | 15 x 21 | felt pen on paper
after | 2013 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
field | 2013 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
Accompanying today's entry in the link list (Bourdieu, field theory, and how it's definitely comparable to soccer). pink beam | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
corridor | 2013 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
wallpaper material | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
painter | 2012 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
attic | 201? | 9 x 11 | polaroid
installation | 2014 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
Get ready for a week of polaroids.conditioning | 201? | 15 x 21 | felt pen on paper
The best thing about moral outrage is that you can feel like you have an informed opinion instead of just an opinion.churn | 201? | 15 x 21 | felt pen on paper
ruin 4 | 2011 | 9 x 11 | polaroid
lost interest | 2011 | 20 x 15 | aquatint
- Last month's images are in the archive.
n (dot) bodyproblem (at) tutanota (dot) com